Lansing Public Library Faxing
Interested in sending a fax?
Use our SimpleScan machine in the Business/AV area on the upper level of the library.
The machine accepts cash (coin, $1, or $5 bills), credit & debit cards, including contactless payments such as Apple Pay, Google Pay.
Pricing: $1.00 per page. If your document is more than 20 pages, split into multiple faxes.
Cover page provided by the software is free. If you SCAN in a cover page, it is charged at the per-page rate of $1.00
Free receipts and confirmations provided if you enter an email address.
Pricing changes effective 4/6/2018
We do not accept incoming faxes.
We're waiving fax fees ...
Need to send a fax? You may qualify for free faxing. See if you qualify below:
- Senior (60+) residing in Lansing, IL
OR - Lansing, IL resident sending documents to state and/or federal agencies.
Please be advised:
Lansing Seniors over 60
You may be asked to provide ID or library card to verify age and address in order to waive fax charges.
Government Recipients
We may be able to wave the charges for state nad/or federal agencies if patrons are willing to share who the recipient is as well as verify address via library card or ID.