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Library @ Home: Homebound Delivery Service

Logo of "LIBRARY@HOME" homebound delivery service.

The Library @ Home: Homebound Delivery service is for Lansing residents who have:

  • A temporary hardship due to a major illness
  • An ongoing need due to physical handicaps
  • A long-term illness
  • Or are homebound seniors
  • New parents

Patrons who are homebound should call for this service. You don't have to forgo your love of reading!

Homebound deliveries and pick-ups are made every other Friday between 9 a.m. and Noon. Only Lansing Library materials will be delivered. We do not deliver materials from other libraries.

Please contact the Information Desk for further information on starting as a homebound customer. (708) 474-2447, ext. 109

Library @ Home Brochure
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